Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts.  Breast implants are medical devices with a solid silicone, rubber shell. The implant shell may be filled with either saline solution (sterile salt water) or elastic silicone gel. Both saline and silicone gel breast implants are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Approval means that an implant has been rigorously researched and tested, and reviewed by an independent panel of physicians for safety.



What Hair Loss Treatments Are Available for Women?


What causes hair loss in women?

Women lose hair differently than men. In general, women suffer from diffuse hair loss, as compared to the characteristic frontal and crown pattern hair loss in men.

Some of the reversible medical causes of female hair loss include a thyroid hormone imbalance, anemia, low vitamin D levels, post-partum hormone changes and menopause. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been related to female hair loss. Medications such as contraceptives, antihypertensives, steroids and antidepressants have been associated with hair loss. Significant physical, psychological and emotional stress may result in hair loss.

By middle age, approximately 40% of women show signs of male pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia). This is often devastating! Hair extensions may be used to camouflage how thin a woman’s hair is getting. However, traction on the weak hair often leads to more hair loss, making the situation even worse!

How can hair loss be treated in women?

The first step in rebuilding hair is to evaluate the underlying causes of the increased shedding and correcting the medical problems, if present. Next, using hair products that have been clinically proven to strengthen the hair, prevent shedding and nourish the scalp are essential to restoring a healthy amount of hair. We recommend the Hair Medica products to all of our patients.

For women with thinning hair, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) gel treatments may be used to stimulate hair growth. PRP is full of growth factors that keep more hair follicles in the active growing phase, anagen, creating thicker appearing hair and covering the scalp more evenly. PRP is injected into the scalp in three sessions one month apart. To maintain fullness, PRP injections are performed every six months.

For women with bald areas, hair restoration procedures are used to transplant hair follicles from the thicker areas in the back of the head to the thin areas in the front or top of the head. The follicles are harvested individually and placed precisely where needed. This is used to restore a youthful hairline, fill in patches of hair loss, or bring back a fuller look throughout. This procedure restores not only the hairline but self-confidence and self-esteem!

How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last?


How long should I expect my breast lift to last?

The short answer is “it depends.” For some, they experience long-lasting results, while others may want minor revisions only after a few years. To say how long results last from a typical breast lift surgery is dependent upon many factors such as age, genetics, health and dietary habits, as well as surgical techniques. The good news is there are a few things you can do to help you get the most out of your breast lift surgery.

Take care of your skin

Skin elasticity has a lot to do with your genetics. That being said, you help improve skin elasticity. First and foremost, you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Overexposure can cause the skin’s texture to change and lose elasticity causing wrinkles and sagging skin. Natural supplements like vitamin C and E have been shown to help promote and improve skin elasticity.

Avoid weight fluctuation

Rapid weight gain and loss is never a good thing for any cosmetic surgical procedure and can have negative effects on breast lift results. Weight should be carefully controlled and maintained in order to achieve the best and longest lasting results. Seek a breast lift only after you have reached and sustained your target weight, then sustain that weight by continuing to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding also affect the results of a breast lift. The breast tissue goes through many changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so I encourage individuals to seek these types of surgeries only after they have finished having children, stopped breastfeeding and have achieved their weight goals.

Wear proper support

Whether or not you are a fan of the bra, the fact of the matter is they will help extend the life of your breast lift procedure. Wearing ill-fitting bras or foregoing them all together can cause your breasts to sag faster than usual. This is especially true when you engage in physical activity as the increased impact and movement will increase the effects of gravity on your breast tissue. Do your breasts a favor and invest in the right bra to support and preserve your breast lifts results.

Your plastic surgeon will provide you with detailed guidelines that should be followed to help maintain the integrity of your procedure. Researching, discussing, and deciding on a surgical technique that you and your surgeon agree is best for your goals is going to be critical to your breast lift success. Talking to your surgeon about the expectations and outcomes they have seen in their own practice can help you decide on your personal breast lift plan. Every person is different as are their results but following the tips above can assist in extending the longevity and integrity of your breast lift preserving your rejuvenated look.